
AIC to Play in Japan
Alice In Chains to set to take part in one of Japan's biggest music festivals — the Udo Music Festival.

Set over two days in two different locations, the Udo Music Festival features dozens of acts and about 50,000 concert-goers. And for the first time ever, AIC will be part of the madness. On July 22, the band will play at the Fuji International Speedway and then on July 23 they will perform at the Festival's other location, the Osaka Izumi Otsu Phoenix.

For more information, visit the Tour page or the Udo Music Festival homepage

Extreme7月也在Casino Ballroom有一场……………为什么都那么的遥远啊啊啊啊

and 下午拖完了Extreme的 Stop the World 的mv和两个版本的Hip Today =w=
Nuno 好 . 帅 !!!……T0T

对着16年前的影像发花痴……再这样就嫁不出去了亚 T T
不过 Nuno还是长长的黑发最好看了。
(and 亲爱的你不要再穿喇叭裤了好不好 orz)

BTW. 前些天在发廊焗头发的时候翻过期杂志,里面有讲到美式卡通logo的衣服。惊讶的看到金色娃娃头肌肉男的名字叫做"He-man"。原来He-man Woman Hater的He-man是一个卡通英雄啊……文化和年代的差异果然会造成理解偏差……这下有动力去认真的研究一下歌词了。(果然是不及格fans 囧rz)
芹菜 | 06/05/06 16:07 | Diary | trackback | comment (2)

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